# Context Menu
modV exposes a context menu API.
@todo: re-think the context menu api. It's super clunky.
# Component Integration
# v-context-menu
To allow Context Menus on Components within modV, a directive needs to be applied.
The directive takes in an object to configure the Context Menu.
argument (object) | type | default | info |
args.match | array | undefined | Array of hooks to match |
args.menuItems | array | undefined | Array of nwjs-menu-browser/MenuItem which are default to this component |
<div v-context-menu="menuOptions">
<!-- ... -->
export default {
name: 'someControl',
data() {
return {
menuOptions: {
match: ['rangeControl'],
menuItems: [],
# Plugin Integration
See the MIDI Assignment (opens new window) and LFO (opens new window) Plugins for examples of Plugin integration.
# modV.addContextMenuHook()
argument (object) | type | default | info |
args.hook | string | undefined | The menu hook to listen for when a right click event occurs |
args.buildMenuItem | function | undefined | Callback which should return nwjs-menu-browser/MenuItem |
function buildMenuItem(moduleName, controlVariable, internal) {
function click() {
console.log('Menu item was clicked!');
return new MenuItem({
label: 'Click me :)',
hook: 'rangeControl',
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